

Photograph with credits to Katie Nolan.

Cleansing and Charging your Crystals.

There are many different ways to cleanse your Crystals and I will name just a few of the most popular.

Full Moon / Sunlight – As the Moon rises simply place your Crystals in the window, or outside if you wish (just make sure to check the weather forecast in case its going to rain). You can leave them under the shine all night and then when you wake in the morning your Crystals will be nicely Lunar cleansed. Alongside the Moon, the Sun can also cleanse, you pick whichever you feel most inclined to use. Either way will work. A list of the Full Moons for this year 2024 can be found below;

  • Jan. 25 — Wolf Moon
  • Feb. 24 — Snow Moon
  • March 25 — Worm Moon
  • April 23 — Pink Moon
  • May 23 — Flower Moon
  • June 21— Strawberry Moon
  • July 21 — Buck Moon
  • Aug. 19 — Sturgeon Moon
  • Sept. 17 — Corn Moon
  • Oct. 17 — Hunter’s Moon
  • Nov. 15 — Beaver Moon
  • Dec. 15 — Cold Moon

Incense or Herbs – Another way to cleanse your Crystals is with smoke. You can do this with the smoke from Incense Sticks, from a Sage Wand or from a bundle of Herbs. Allow the smoke to cover the Crystal for at least 30seconds, if you haven’t ever cleansed the Crystal before you may consider leaving it to cleanse in the smoke for longer or, even if you have cleansed the Crystals before, you may feel drawn to leave it to cleanse longer also.

Selenite – To cleanse your Crystals with Selenite is really very simple as Selenite is known to be a self cleansing ‘King’ of Crystals. You can place your Crystals on a Selenite Charging Plate, inside of a Selenite Bowl or even next to a Tower or some Tumblestones and then leave them time to allow the Selenite to do its magik. You don’t need to learn how to make Selenite do this, that’s one of the joys, it already knows how and wants to work for you.

What Crystals shouldn’t get wet?

There are a number of Crystals that shouldn’t get wet whether its to do with either their rating on the Mohs scale or the combination of various minerals that make that Crystal. If the Crystal is 5 or less on the Mohs scale then it’s recommended to not leave it in water or in damp conditions. You can find the Mohs scale below. A few other Crystals that may or may not be on the Mohs scale with a rating higher than 5 and should avoid getting wet are; Magnetite (Lodestone), Hematite, Tangerine Quartz and Jade. This is to do with the minerals that make the Crystal.

2-3Gypsum, Chrysocolla, Amber, Lepidolite, Pearl, Selenite, Halite (Rock Salt)
3-4Calcite, Celestite, Cerussite, Coral, Azurite, Malachite, Angelite, Jet stone
4-5Fluorite, Rhodocrosite, Ammolite, Larimar, Charoite
5-6Apatite, Apophyllite, Obsidian, Cats Eye, Chrome/Star Diopside, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Opal, Rhodonite, Haemetite
6-7Orthoclase feldspar, Carnelian, Opalite, Peridot, Kyanite, Moonstone, Labradorite, Amazonite, Chrysoprase, Chalcedony, Zircon, Bloodstone, Jade
7-8Quartz, Tigers Eye, Amethyst, Citrine, Agate, Rose Quartz, Jasper, Citrine, Agate, Garnet, Mookite, Smoky Quartz, Tourmaline, Danburite, Ametrine, Aventurine, Rutile Quartz, Kunzite, Onyx
8-9Topaz, Goshenite, Morganite, Beryl, Aquamarine, Emerald
9-10Corundum, Ruby, Sapphire


All crystals will have natural imperfections since they are created from Mother Earth and carved/polished by human hands.

For legal reasons, information provided on this website on crystal healing is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. Please be aware that none of the minerals sold on this site are to diagnose or treat any physical/mental/emotional disease/illness. Always consult your physician before using any crystal healing.

It is encouraged to do your own research when handling crystals.