Tumble Stones - Cats & Crystals http://catsandcrystals.co.uk To help with all your crystal needs. x Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:20:43 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/catsandcrystals.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/cropped-cropped-231C9B9A-D270-4560-B573-54FA1B5ED7B3.png?fit=32%2C32 Tumble Stones - Cats & Crystals http://catsandcrystals.co.uk 32 32 187340392 Howlite Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/howlite-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/howlite-tumble-stone/#respond Fri, 10 May 2024 13:32:18 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/?post_type=product&p=5099 Howlite is a calming stone and it can help its wearer to reduce their own levels of stress and anger, as well as anger that is directed towards them. Howlite absorbs negative energy and its calming qualities are thought to relieve and unburdens an overactive mind. You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Howlite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Howlite is a calming stone and it can help its wearer to reduce their own levels of stress and anger, as well as anger that is directed towards them. Howlite absorbs negative energy and its calming qualities are thought to relieve and unburdens an overactive mind.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Howlite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/howlite-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 5099
Blue Goldstone Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/blue-goldstone-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/blue-goldstone-tumble-stone/#respond Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:48:00 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/blue-goldstone-tumble-stone/ Blue Goldstone is a gemstone with a meaning and a genuine effect to help you achieve your goals. The meaning of this stone is very deep and helps you in making sensible decisions and allows you to reach your goal constantly. It is also good to use this gem when you need to think deeply. …

The post Blue Goldstone Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Blue Goldstone is a gemstone with a meaning and a genuine effect to help you achieve your goals. The meaning of this stone is very deep and helps you in making sensible decisions and allows you to reach your goal constantly. It is also good to use this gem when you need to think deeply.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Blue Goldstone Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/blue-goldstone-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 4043
Red Goldstone Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/red-goldstone-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/red-goldstone-tumble-stone/#respond Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:46:40 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/red-goldstone-tumble-stone/ Red Goldstone is said to be the stone of Confidence, ambition and encourage motivation. It gives a positive attitude and is an uplifting stone. Goldstone is said to help to lift anxious people to a happier mindset. Goldstone’s sparkle comes from flecks of copper. It builds courage and it increases confidence. You will receive one piece picked intuitively by …

The post Red Goldstone Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Red Goldstone is said to be the stone of Confidence, ambition and encourage motivation. It gives a positive attitude and is an uplifting stone. Goldstone is said to help to lift anxious people to a happier mindset. Goldstone’s sparkle comes from flecks of copper. It builds courage and it increases confidence.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Red Goldstone Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/red-goldstone-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 4042
Satin Spar Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/satin-spar-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/satin-spar-tumble-stone/#respond Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:44:52 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/satin-spar-tumble-stone/ Satin Spar is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Satin Spar aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Satin Spar Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Satin Spar is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Satin Spar aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Satin Spar Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/satin-spar-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 4041
Mookaite Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mookaite-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mookaite-tumble-stone/#respond Tue, 17 May 2022 13:46:18 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mookaite-tumble-stone/ Mookaite is a nurturing stone and helps support you in times of stress. It brings a feeling of peace. Mookaite is good with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages us to accept change. Mookaite can be placed under your pillow for improvement in your health. It is helpful to assist in …

The post Mookaite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Mookaite is a nurturing stone and helps support you in times of stress. It brings a feeling of peace. Mookaite is good with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages us to accept change. Mookaite can be placed under your pillow for improvement in your health. It is helpful to assist in healing and may be beneficial to help you to age more slowly. It is said to be helpful for pregnant parents too.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Mookaite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mookaite-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 2414
Pistachio Calcite Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/pistachio-calcite-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/pistachio-calcite-tumble-stone/#respond Tue, 28 Dec 2021 16:10:33 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/pistachio-calcite/ Green Pistachio Calcite facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions & encouraging relaxation. This stones green vibration opens your sacred heart to receive love from the spiritual realm & encourages tolerance, compassion, and understanding. This is the piece you will receive.

The post Pistachio Calcite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Green Pistachio Calcite facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions & encouraging relaxation. This stones green vibration opens your sacred heart to receive love from the spiritual realm & encourages tolerance, compassion, and understanding.

This is the piece you will receive.

The post Pistachio Calcite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/pistachio-calcite-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 1728
Rose Calcite Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/rose-calcite-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/rose-calcite-tumble-stone/#respond Tue, 28 Dec 2021 16:09:25 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/rose-calcite/ Rose Calcite heals the Heart Chakra and is ideal to channel communication between the heart and the mind. Rose Calcite opens us to new opportunities and helps us as we begin new opportunities. It gently guides us through transitions and change. This is the piece you will receive.

The post Rose Calcite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Rose Calcite heals the Heart Chakra and is ideal to channel communication between the heart and the mind. Rose Calcite opens us to new opportunities and helps us as we begin new opportunities. It gently guides us through transitions and change.

This is the piece you will receive.

The post Rose Calcite Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/rose-calcite-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 1725
Tree Agate Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/tree-agate-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/tree-agate-tumble-stone/#respond Tue, 28 Dec 2021 15:48:00 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/tree-agate/ Tree agate is also believed balance water in the body. Agate gemstones in general are believed to have a quiet energy associated with the heart chakra. Agate strengthens relationships, promotes composure and offers a warm, protective quality to the wearer. You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Tree Agate Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Tree agate is also believed balance water in the body. Agate gemstones in general are believed to have a quiet energy associated with the heart chakra. Agate strengthens relationships, promotes composure and offers a warm, protective quality to the wearer.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Tree Agate Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/tree-agate-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 1714
Green Moss Agate Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/green-moss-agate-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/green-moss-agate-tumble-stone/#respond Tue, 28 Dec 2021 15:45:11 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/green-moss-agate/ Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. It refreshes your soul and enables you to see beauty around you. Moss Agate reduces sensitivity to environmental pollution. It attracts wealth and improves self-esteem. The vibration of this crystal brings you strength and courage. You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Green Moss Agate Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. It refreshes your soul and enables you to see beauty around you. Moss Agate reduces sensitivity to environmental pollution. It attracts wealth and improves self-esteem. The vibration of this crystal brings you strength and courage.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Green Moss Agate Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/green-moss-agate-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 1711
Mugglestone Tumble Stone http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mugglestone-tumble-stone/ http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mugglestone-tumble-stone/#respond Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:46:18 +0000 https://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mugglestone/ Mugglestone unearths deeply-rooted feelings and can help you regain forgotten memories. The stone helps you gather your thoughts and organize your efforts for success in your personal journey. You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Mugglestone Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

Mugglestone unearths deeply-rooted feelings and can help you regain forgotten memories. The stone helps you gather your thoughts and organize your efforts for success in your personal journey.

You will receive one piece picked intuitively by me.

The post Mugglestone Tumble Stone first appeared on Cats & Crystals.

http://catsandcrystals.co.uk/product/mugglestone-tumble-stone/feed/ 0 1690